Friday 17 April 2020


Formative Assessment Tools to Try in Your Classroom


ClassMarker is a professional, easy-to-use online testing system that allows you to create your own web-based tests in minutes. Whether you’re testing 5 or 5000 users, ClassMarker will save you those long, painful hours of creating, distributing and grading tests.
You’ll never need to re-enter questions or tests, and results are calculated instantly and accurately. In three easy steps, you will have that professional exam you always wanted to give:
Step 1: Create your tests
Step 2: Assign your tests using public or private options
Step 3: Analyze results
With ClassMarker you can create as many questions and tests as you like. You can view test results in many ways with ClassMarker, from viewing an individual’s progress in real time, to aggregated statistics for tests, questions, categories and more.
You can register for free with ClassMarker. FREE accounts come with full testing functionality available. Simply follow these steps and you can start testing immediately.
Highlight: Some that really stick out was being able to embed images and YouTube videos as a part of questions and answers.
Disadvantage: Upgrades cost money but heck, what app doesn’t?


quizalize icon
Quizalize is a free and fun way to engage students while reviewing materials for your course. You can either create your own quizzes or use quizzes from other teachers.  Quizalize does a great job of providing formative assessments as either a game or an assignment
Creating an account is fast and easy. Once you log on you can view the marketplace to see what other teachers have created or you can begin to create your own. Once you create a quiz, students type in the URL and then enter your classroom code. From there, they answer questions, get instant feedback, and they can look at data to see how well they are doing.
Once your class is set up you can easily look to see who has taken the quizzes, how many times they have taken them and, more importantly, how well they are doing.
Highlight: The interface is simple. Students get how to play it quickly and easily, and teachers can jump right in, too. The team game lets students work together and see their results in real time on the projector screen.
Disadvantage: Progress tracking is a paid option and there is no option for open-ended response.
If you are considering using Quizalize and would like a guide to get you through, you may check this link out!


Quizizz is a fun way for you to conduct review and practice sessions with your class. It’s super simple to learn and completely FREE to use! It can be used in the classroom settings or even assigned as a homework.
To play a game on Quizizz, you can either choose from their library of countless public quizzes or you can decide to create your own quiz! You can always customize a public quiz by duplicating it! Once you have picked a quiz, you can conduct it in the classroom with the live mode or assign it as a homework game for students to practice at their own time.
Students can use any device with a browser to join the game and you get all the data both for individual students or the class as a whole! Quizizz auto grades all your quizzes and you can download and print these reports in different formats.
Highlight: Students are less likely to lose connection during the game.  The classroom environment tends to be quieter because students are continuously engaged until they finish.
Disadvantage: Limited to multiple-choice questions and only four possible answers.


The paperless classroom is possible with this tool! Formative is an assessment tool where students can type, draw, or submit images to demonstrate their understanding. Send homework, do in class assignments, and grade everything all within the same program. When students answer questions, teacher can see them in real time and comment/grade in real time.
What makes this tool different is that you can upload existing assignments from PDFs, Word, and Google Docs, and add interactive pieces to them which means that much of your existing best lessons and resources can find new life in a digital format!
Highlight: I like the fact that I can embed FlipGrid, a video discussion app, in Formative.
Disadvantage: Assignments are tailored to individual use without collaboration options.
Check out this post for 20 ways to use Formative for awesome assessment!


Gnowledge, which stands for General Knowledge, is pronounced just like the word knowledge. It is a test publishing platform and is meant to provide a global repository of user-generated test, assignment and exercises questions for educators, students and parents. Test papers stored on the site can be reused and reassigned to as many students as frequently as desired.
Teachers can utilize the Gnowledge website to store frequently used exercises and test papers, which can then be assigned to individual students or entire classrooms. Assigned exercises can be handed in electronically with the results automatically corrected and completed, thus saving precious time on manual individual exercise correction.
Students worldwide have free ready-access to exercises and test papers pertaining to their studies with results delivered to them instantly upon completion of each individual exercise.
Highlight: Parents can use the site to keep tabs on the academic aptitude and progress of their school-going children in a similar way that teachers use the Gnowledge website for. Detailed results of exercises completed by their children on the Gnowledge website can be forwarded to and subsequently viewed and evaluated by parents.
Disadvantage: Lacks gamifying features.


Testmoz is a very quick and simple way to generate an online quiz for your students.  The program has many options so you can customize the quiz and the responses your students will receive. Testmoz is free, and does not require you (or your students) to register.
For the quiz you can: 
  • create 4 different types of questions: true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank and select all that apply,
  • decide how many options you have for each question,
  • choose how much each question is worth (whole numbers only),
  • set multiple correct answers for a fill in the blank question, and
  • randomize the order of the questions and/or the choices.
Disadvantage: This online tool has additional limitations, such as the inability to include images or videos.


Similar to SurveyMonkey, KwikSurveys is a free to use online survey and quiz builder, which has been specifically designed so that it is quick and easy to use for people of all experience levels. Surveys and quizzes can be instantly shared through social media, or posted to teacher websites or blogs.
Highlight: Free account comes with unlimited questions and unlimited responses.  These survey responses get added to a central database as they are entered. This can be accessed with Microsoft Excel as soon as they have been ‘submitted’. You can also download your survey results.
Disadvantage: No cross tabulation of survey results. Also, make sure you download your results because there had been reports of KwikSurveys losing user’s data and account.


Mentimeter is a cloud-based solution that allows you to engage and interact with your target audience in real-time. It is a polling tool wherein you can set the questions and your target audience can give their input using a mobile phone or any other device connected to the Internet.
Mentimeter allows you to engage the audience better. Your audience would feel more involved in your presentation when given the chance to decide an outcome. It can boost efficiency and effectiveness through collaboration, aside from making it faster for you to generate content or data.
My favorite set-up is to do the “single choice” series with a segmentation of the results at the end. There is often a very appealing aha-effect from seeing the results displayed like this in real-time. It is at it’s most valuable when it spurs a discussion around the results which incredible sometimes because the audience has created the results together.
Highlight: There are so many good things to say about Mentimeter, but one thing that I like most about this app is the Word Cloud function. Basically, you can ask a question and your students can send up to three answers. On your screen you will see the responses formed into a dynamic Word Cloud. If your students had given similar answers, it will be reflected in the size of that word in the Word Cloud.
Disadvantage: As a free user, you can create infinite number of presentations. However, you can only create up to 2 questions per presentation. To create more questions, you will need to upgrade your account.


Socrative allows teachers to create simple quizzes that students can take quickly on laptops – or, more often, via classroom tablet computers or their own smartphones. On Socrative, teachers have the choice of creating a quiz, quick question, space race, or exit ticket.
In the background, they track student performance and provide real-time data to help teachers, parents, schools and districts personalize and improve learning.
This is an excellent tool to get a pulse check on what students think about a topic or to test their prior knowledge at the beginning of a lesson. You can truly see who understands a concept and who does not in a way that is non obtrusive to students identities or stressful for students.
Highlight: It allows teachers to capitalize on limited devices by giving multiple students the opportunity to interact with Socrative on a shared device.
Disadvantage: It would be great to if teachers could add images to questions and options for beginners or visual learners.


Quizlet offers free online study tools that lets educators create study sets in a form of flashcards which are aimed at helping students learn material. Kids are able to compete against their friends, discuss sets, and entire classes can share teacher-created sets.
This tool is great encourage students to use Quizlet on their own time as homework or as a study aid for review especially for a test with long list of vocabulary words and terms. Along with flashcards, it also offers games and testing to appeal to various learning styles such as matching, spelling and quiz to gauge students’ knowledge.
Highlight: One feature that I love most is Quizlet Live, which is an in-class, team-based learning game. Live function makes it possible for students to participate in a competitive vocabulary review game against their classmates from any device. Each team works together to correctly match a Quizlet set’s terms and definitions. The first team to match 12 in a row wins! My kids love the competitive element of Quizlet Live. They loved racing against other teams, trying to be the first to answer every question and to get bragging rights over their peers.
Disadvantage: Structured around sets of terms and definitions, Quizlet is a platform for rote learning.


Kahoot is a student-response gamifying tool that let teachers create multiple-choice quizzes. It provides quick, real-time results and give students instant feedback on their devices without anyone being called out individually. They can be great for formative assessment as can be a great way to reinforce a lesson before a test.
I use this platform mainly to review concepts and vocabulary. My students always ask to play Kahoot again and again so I decided to establish a Kahoot day for quick revision and informal assessments. You can also challenge your students to create their own Kahoot quiz to allow higher order learning.
Highlight: Kahoot can quickly become a go-to for teachers looking for an engaging way to run checks for understanding or exit tickets.
Disadvantage: It would be great if there were a few different songs that can be attached to a Kahoot in order to change the background music while playing. Current music is monotonous almost robotic and can easily bore students and teachers who play Kahoot frequently.

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