Tuesday 30 April 2019

🌼English Pronunciation 🍒

*The 44 Sounds*

The English language is a tricky language to learn.  There are  total of 44 sounds.  Some sounds are straight forward and some seems to make no sense at all.  With every sound, your mouth is doing something special.  Your tonge, teeth, lips and breath work in flawless harmony with each other.

🗣5 Short-Vowel Sounds
short /a/ in apple
short /e/ in elephant
short /i/ in igloo
short /o/ in octopus
short /u/ in umbrella
🗣6 Long-Vowel Sounds
long /a/ in cake
long /e/ in feet
long /i/ in pie
long /o/ in boat
long /u/ (yoo) in mule
long /oo/ in flew
🗣18 Consonant Sounds
/b/ in bat
/k/ in cat and kite
/d/ in dog
/f/ in fan
/g/ in goat
/h/ in hat
/j/ in jam
/l/ in lip
/m/ in map
/n/ in nest
/p/ in pig
/r/ in rat
/s/ in sun
/t/ in top
/v/ in van
/w/ in wig
/y/ in yell
/z/ in zip
🗣7 Digraphs
/ch/ in chin
/sh/ in ship
unvoiced /th/ in thin
voiced /th/ in this
/hw/ in whip *
/ng/ in sing
/nk/ in sink
* (wh is pronounced /w/ in some areas)
🗣3 r-Controlled Vowels
/ur/ in fern, bird, and hurt
/ar/ in park      
/or/ in fork
/oi/ in oil and boy
/ow/ in owl and ouch
/oo/ in cook and pull
🗣Special Sounds
/aw/ in jaw and haul
/zh/ in television