Sunday 5 November 2017

🍒It's raining Cats and Dogs🍒

🌼*It's raining cats and dogs*🌼, so let's learn a few rain vocabulary

Impluvious - wet with rain

Petrichor-the smell given off by the first rain following a long dry spell

Ombrifuge-something that provides shelter from the rain

Dripstone – a molding over a door or window which deflects rain.

Freshet – the flood of a river from heavy rain or melted snow (probably from Old French freschete, diminutive of freis ‘fresh’).

Monkey’s wedding – Simultaneous rain and sunshine (perhaps based on Portuguese casamento de rapôsa ‘vixen’s wedding’, in the same sense).

Ombro- – relating to rain (from Greek ombrosrain shower).

Ombrogenous – (of a bog or peat) dependent on rain for its formation.

Pluvial – relating to or characterized by rainfall (ultimately from Latin pluvia rain).

Verglas – a thin coating of ice or frozen rain on an exposed surface (from French verre glass + glas (now glace) ice).

Virga – a mass of streaks of rain appearing to hang under a cloud and evaporating before reaching the ground (from Latin virga rod, stripe).